Intra School Competition
Intra school competition is competition within your own school. This may be a set of challenges, an organised event or the competition that your coaches/ teachers deliver at the end of a lesson or block of delivery. It can be within a class, a number of pupils or across year groups.
Your school sports day is classed as an intra school competition. This generally involves all pupils. If your sports day only includes a cross-section of representatives, please consider another event in addition to engage all those that tend to just sit, watch and support. This could be a series of challenges over a day that each class could participate in, cultural events or a team sport event.
Every school should have a 100% participation in intra school competition- in some way. Every pupil is entitled to have this opportunity.
Some schools use intra school competition to select their teams for inter school competition, testing skills learnt in lessons or after school clubs. Some schools use house systems to encourage intra school events.
If you need support please contact us.