Summer term virtual competitions launched

Details of our virtual summer term competitions have been emailed out to PE staff. These include: Tri Golf, Tennis, Archery, Cricket and Quad Kids you have until Friday 2nd July to submit your entries for the above virtual competitions.
Schools can pick which competitions they wish to participate in, it is completely up to schools to decide how much they wish to engage. All the documents for the summer term virtual competitions can be found under the resources section of this website.
Whilst roadmaps are being created for sports and as the nation is gradually enjoying a bit more freedom at present our competition calendar is virtual. As restrictions and roadmaps become more advanced we will then look at the possibility of holding face to face meetings on a smaller scale.
Round 2 Virtually Boccia challenge is running until 30th April
Boccia England have now opened up the 2nd round of their Virtually Boccia challenge.
The challenges can be completed at school or at home. Information, activities and a results sheet are all attached to the excel spreadsheet. Results must be submitted to Dan Headley by Friday 30th April at 3pm